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* Waverley, 10 Aug: 'Music like small festival'

Andrew Waller

(22005) Complaint about noise disturbance at a house in Waverley Road on the night of 9 August 2022, continuing into the early hours of the 10th.

A resident who lives on the other side of the railway line reported to UoB that he was disturbed by "a noisy gathering in the rear garden" that began around 8pm.

"The people were being loud, but the music was muted - annoying but not problematic. I thought it was ... a party being held in the evening, with the intention to end at a reasonable hour ... By 11.30 the noise was much louder, then around 11.45 the music started in earnest, with the volume and bass turned up to the level of a small music festival ... it became clear this was not going to stop. After going to the house—which involves a considerable walk—he spoke to two students. "To their credit, they did apologies and the music was immediately stopped and didn’t resume. To their detriment, even after being told their behaviour was unacceptable they persisted in talking and cackling loudly in the garden into the small hours."

The resident subsequently also complained to the landlord, who lives locally and promised to take action.

Reported to UoB or UWE: B

Raised with landlord / property agents: landlord

Reported to police: --

Complaint # in series: 1

Previous report # citing this address: xxxxxx

Total incident(s) in this report: * 1

# From 1 July 2022

* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.


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