* Mortimer, 14 Jun: 'Singing obscene lyrics'
(S156) Two households have complained to UoB about noise and foul language from an outdoor gathering of students in Mortimer Road, Clifton, on the evening of 14 June 2021.
They say the noise was excessive, even though the event finished at 11pm.
One of the residents wrote: "The time is now 22.20 and the noise, the music, singing, chat and laughter is just getting louder. I witnessed and filmed when my wife ... went round asking them to keep it down, but [she] was met with a hail of abuse, much of which was intimidatory."
In a follow-up email the next day, the same resident said he later also took a sound recording. "The noise had in no way abated, if anything it was louder. There was also loud music, to which the participants were singing along loudly, especially to the more obscene lyrics."
He sent both a video and a sound file to the university and property agents.
A second resident said: "My complaint in the most part is about the foul language (and I mean foul), the shouting, loud music and talk of drug use, with particular mention of cocaine.
"I have [two] children ... who have heard this disturbance at bedtime and quite frankly I view this as a safeguarding issue. I will not have them subjected to this behaviour, language & content.
"I leave the house just before 6am to go to work at the Hospice and I feel it is unreasonable to have a disturbed night mid-week."
UoB's guide to community living advises students to avoid being "loud past 10pm on week nights". Its student disciplinary rules, however, are stricter, warning that disciplinary action may be taken in the case of .... "Excessive noise that causes a disturbance to other residents at any time of
day or night." Action may also be taken where there is "Any violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, intimidating or offensive behaviour or language ..."
Reported to UoB or UWE: B
Raised with landlord / property agents: Agents
Reported to police: --
Complaint # in series: 1
Previous report citing this address: xxxxxx
Total incident(s) in this report: * 1
# In current academic year, or from 1 July 2020
* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.