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* Johnny Ball Lane, 18 Sep: Multiple incidents

Andrew Waller

(21048) A resident living in Central, not far from the BRI, says she and neighbours have experienced multiple noise disturbances from a student property in Johnny Ball Lane since early August 2021.

She said in an email on 18 September: "Since the start of August there has been daily noise disturbances from this property which primarily consist of loud bass music being blasted throughout the day with all the doors and windows of the property open. This has been combined with several parties both at the weekend and during weekdays continuing to past 3am. The parties also combine with loud shouting in the garden and even louder music.

" ... during the day the music, especially the bass, can be heard throughout my apartment even with all the doors and windows sealed. For context this in next to the hospital so the sound-proofing was designed for the hospital helicopter levels yet this music is still loud enough to be heard. This issue has been affecting a significant proportion of the residents of the building who are all tired of the constant disturbances and not being able to open the windows or use their balconies due to the noise. My neighbour is having to wear headphones and sometimes the noise still is too loud.

"We have called Operation Beech out to one of the parties but all that happens was the music was reduced for an hour or so and they restarted by which time it was past the operating time for Operation Beech. The subsequent parties have all been on days Operation Beech [does] not operate so we have been unable to use them again and are not sure whether the students are aware of the operation days and so are avoiding noise during these hours only.

"I have also contacted the university, who have spoken to a resident but have basically said as the students haven’t registered their address with [the] uni and it is a gated property ... they won’t do anything unless I can provide them with the letting agent or students details, which I haven’t been able to find online."

In an update on 1 Oct, the resident says she contacted the landlord, who asked his managing agent to visit the students. She also has had further contact with UoB and has been told disciplinary action is being taken.

There was nevertheless noise disturbance on Saturday, 25 September, from an adjoining student property that is under the same ownership and management. (See separate report.)

Since then, however, there had been six days without disturbance.

Reported to UoB or UWE: B

Raised with landlord / property agents: LA

Reported to police: Beech

Complaint # in series: 1

Previous report # citing this address: xxxxxx

Total incident(s) in this report: * (multiple)

# From 1 July 2021

* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.


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