* Hampton, 30 Nov: 'Penetrating beat'
(S126) Complaint about late-night noise at a student flat in Hampton Road on 30 November 2020.
Resident says: "I was disturbed at circa 1am today by loud music and singing from the 1F bay-window room of [xxx] Hampton Road ... The noise consisted of penetrating beat music and was accompanied by disco lights. ... Some time later, the sash window was opened, increasing the noise broadcast to other houses, and there were occasional very loud bursts as someone played around with the sound system."
The resident says the same flat caused a noise disturbance at around 1am on 20 October 2020 in the form of shouting and loud voices from the same 1F bay-window room.
Reported to UoB or UWE: B
Raised with landlord / property agents: --
Reported to police: 101
Repeat complaint: # 1
Previous report citing this address: # --
Total incident(s) in this report: * 2
(Email, 30 November 2020, 12:54, aw)
# In current academic year, or from 1 July 2020
* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.