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* Clyde Park, 2 Jul: 'Heard from 120m away'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Oct 16, 2021

(21003) Noisy outdoor gathering at a property in Clyde Park, Redland, at 2am on Friday, 2 July 2021.

Resident says: "The noise was from a gathering of people in the back garden. I couldn't see how many people because of the high wall. It may not have been a large number but the sound of people in high spirits carries a long way, especially at this time of night."

He notes that the property is about 120 metres from his own house.

He spoke to a small group talking at the front of the property and was told the occupants were students who had recently moved in.

"The three or four people in this group were polite. They agreed to pass on a message to those in the garden and as I left the area I heard someone calling people to move inside. I was no longer able to hear the event when I got back home.

"I'm pleased at the prompt action but not impressed that it took my intervention to achieve it. I'd be grateful if you would speak to this household. It seems they have not had the message about late-night noise, or have not taken it on board."

(Update, 16/10/2021: Location reference in first paragraph amended for consistency with a later report. AW.)

Reported to UoB or UWE: B

Raised with landlord / property agents: --

Reported to police: --

Complaint # in series: 1

Previous report citing this address: xxxxxx

Total incident(s) in this report: * 1

# From 1 July 2021

* Includes incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded previously.


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