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* Park Mansions, 14 Aug: Multiple incidents

Andrew Waller

(S087) Complaint of noise at a flat in Park Mansions, Meridian Place, Clifton, on several occasions since 1 July 2020, most recently on night of 14/15 August.

Resident has submitted noise diary to council listing several instances during July of loud music being played as late as 3am. On the night of 14/15 August, the resident and her husband had to ask twice, at 12-30am and 1.27am for music to be turned off. The following morning (15 August) they were again woken by loud music at 7am. Resident has now also copied her complaint to UoB, the police and her local councillor.

Reported to UoB: yes

Raised with landlord / property agents: --

Additional incident(s) at this address*: yes

Previous complaints since July 1: --

(Email, 15 August 2020, 08:56, dd)

*Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not been recorded separately.

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