* Hampton, 31 July: Party
(S069) Report of party at property in Hampton Road, near the junction with Warwick Road, on 31 July 2020.
"There are quite a lot of non-socially distanced people in the garden, [and] music is coming from inside the house. ... Just in the time I've been typing this, the noise from [xx] has increased. The party is clearly getting larger and louder."
Reported to UoB: yes
Raised with property agents: not known
Additional incident(s) at this address*: no
(Emails, 31 July at 21:33 and 3 Aug 2020, 09:07, jw)
I also observed this event myself at around 00:30 on 1 August. AW
(Recorded here in short form due to volume of complaints. Details added to offline database.)
*Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not previously been recorded.