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* Brighton, 25 July: 'Large party'

Andrew Waller

(S067) Report of party at property in Brighton Road on 25 July 2020.

(Posted late because relevant information was only recently received.)

"I noted at least 30 people all arrive within an hour and then a continuous stream of groups of about 6 turning up. There were drunk people sat on the wall outside shouting and swearing continuously. Loud groups just stood in the road. I think one neighbour further down the road went and spoke to the house in question but it made no difference. I certainly wouldn’t have gone outside as the volume of people was certainly intimidating. I would guess at one point there might have been 50 people in the house. There was broken glass on the pavement and road this morning and neighbours were sweeping it up so they could drive their car away safely."

Reported to UoB: not known

Raised with property agents: not known

Additional incident(s) at this address*: no

(Emails, 25 July 2020, 00:36 and 17:48, as)

(Recorded here in short form due to volume of complaints. Details added to offline database.)

*Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not previously been recorded.


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