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* Roslyn, 22 July: 'Louder at 1am'

Andrew Waller

(S050) Third complaint recorded in July in relation to a student house in Roslyn Road, this time with regard to a party that started in the evening of 22 July and extended into the early hours.

A resident has complained to UoB: "Music with bass and constant chatter of voices from about 11.30 on Wednesday night, which got louder at midnight but then almost stopped about 12.20.

"... the noise level got louder again at around 1am for about an hour and [I] could hear people ... making noise in the street through the night as they left.

"At 5.30am a group of 4 came out and [I] could hear someone saying goodbye and shut the front door. They were hanging around in the street making noise, then sat on a wall to have a smoke and continue ... talking loudly / shouting. After about 15 to 20 minutes, they staggered up the road.

"I would also like to mention that on Monday night / early hours of Tuesday we were woken by a group returning to [xx] and [xx] at 3.20 in the morning.

"We had the first quiet night for weeks on Tuesday night and [I] was hoping this would continue in this way, but the students just seem to go from house to house all night with no concern for Covid regulations."

(Email, 23/07/2020, 16:24)


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