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* Roslyn, 14 July: 'Mentally exhausted'

Andrew Waller

(S045) Complaint about student behaviour in Roslyn Road, sent to the vice-chancellors of both universities by a resident who is a university staff member. Includes details of noise incidents in the early hours of 14 July.

(This is posted out of sequence, through oversight. Another complaint about the same events has since come to light and is added below.)

The resident writes: "I would like to make another formal complaint about student behaviour on Roslyn Road. As one of the most densely populated student roads in the area (16 out of 37 [houses] have a HMO licence) noise and poor behaviour is a constant problem for the professional and family properties living here and it is ruining our mental wellbeing and ability to perform our jobs properly.

Around 1am this morning we were woken yet again by loud music and students out in the road, shouting, banging on doors, urinating in the street, and it went on, yet again, for hours. All with zero regard for social distancing."

At its peak there were probably 30 or so people gathered outside one property (number x), with students going in and out of number xx as well. My husband and I are physically and mentally exhausted this morning ...

This is not the first instance of unacceptable noise since the students (unfortunately) moved back in early. There are multiple occurrences a week of similar behaviour, just in different houses each time so that it makes it impossible to report the problem to the council."

(Email, 14 July 2020, 10:54, aw)

(Added, 29/07/2020, having been received late.)

A second resident has also complained about the night's events, citing the same house.

In an email to UoB, she says "Please see attached two videos taken at 2.15am this morning showing students congregating directly outside my home, seemingly arriving with the intention of having a party at no [x].

"The videos were taken after I had already remonstrated with some of them and asked them to move on ... At one point there were at least 30 people outside in the street ..."

"I had already been woken on numerous occasions that night by street noise made by numerous groups of students throughout the evening—this group arriving on the road was the final straw which got me out of bed and into the street."

(Email to me, 27 July 2020, 23:00, hb)


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