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* Hampton, 21 July: 'Party whack-a-mole'

Andrew Waller

(S049) Party in back yard of student house on Hampton Road near the junction with Melville Road during the evening of 21 July 2020.

A resident has complained to UoB: "A gathering began to form at [xx] Hampton Road mid-afternoon yesterday (21/07) and by 21:00 the music volume and shouting were quite something.

"As it was comparatively early (albeit there are young families living within close proximity) I was prepared to allow them some slack. However, at 23:00 I attended the property where c.20-30 individuals of student age were present in the back yard.

"I pointed out that the noise was, in the circumstances, excessive and also that they were in breach of social distancing guidance. In response, one individual claimed that they were all part of the same household, which, given the numbers, we both quickly agreed was not the case.

"The exchange was short; they apologised, the music was immediately turned down and we did not hear any further noise that night ...

"This is just the latest in a number of instances in recent weeks, across a number of properties. Every day, groups of students, often laden with alcohol, head to a new property, turning the management of these issues into one big a game of whack-a-mole, facilitated by the apparent expectation that such issues are primarily managed by residents."

(Email, 22 July 2020, 22:13)

A Collingwood Road resident also emailed me on the night of this event, but when I checked at around midnight, the scene was quiet.

This resident told me she went to speak to the students "after 11pm". She also notes that "it has been the worst summer so far, when usually it’s the best time of the year."

(Emails, 21 July 2020, 22:50, and 23/07/2020, 10:30)


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