* Abbotsford, 12 July: Police close down party
(S029) Large party at student house near the junction of Abbotsford and Warwick Roads in the early hours of Sunday, 12 July. Closed down by police.
Several residents have submitted complaints to UWE and UoB.
I observed the event from around 1:25am onwards. There was a large noisy crowd outside the entrance, and loud beat music coming from a hall-floor room. As I was walking away from the event, I spotted a police patrol car on Hampton Road and alerted the officer to what was obviously a large gathering. See my news article for more.
Resident 1 said: "We will put our complaints in today. We were unfortunately very badly affected by it as we live directly opposite on Abbotsford Road. My daughters came through to our room at 1:30am after being awake for most of the night with shouting, screaming and loud music. The crowds were too big for us to go across and pretty intimidating."
(Email, 12 July 2020, 13:21, JM)
Resident 2 said: "I was disturbed by a party at 27 Abbotsford Road (corner of Warwick/Abbotsford) last night and am just about to construct a complaint to UWE." (See update at end.)
(Email to me, 12 July 2020, 17:15, AG/SG)
Resident 3, a senior academic at UoB who lives in Hampton Road, has complained to both universities about student behaviour: "Last night (11 to 12 July) between roughly 12 and 1:30 I videoed one group of students (?) after another -- in anything from pairs to very large groups of 30 or more -- carousing their way down Hampton Road: no social distancing, no masks, no care or concern for anyone else. At the same time, there was a huge party at 27 Abbotsford Road that kept me awake until at least 2 am. This is unacceptable: no one should have to tolerate this."
(Email, 12 July 2020, 13:54)
Resident 4 said: "Late Saturday night and early Sunday morning 11th/12th July there was a very noisy party at 27 Abbotsford Road BS6, a student house almost opposite us, which was attended by a very large number of people. The usual anti-social noise and disturbance in the street and loud thudding type music was supplemented this time by an apparent complete disregard of current social distancing rules. ... This is getting very wearying, there has been a great deal of anti-social behaviour from students recently, and although I am aware of steps the universities have taken to address the problem, it seems they have not been enough."
(Email, 14 July 2020, 10:58, CL)
BristolLive has also reported on this incident, quoting both my Noise Pages news article and the incident report from Avon & Somerset Police: "Patrolling officers called in a large, noisy house party in Warwick Road, Bristol at about 1.50am on Sunday 12 July."
(Update, 15 July 2020)
I originally reported that "the tenants of the property are believed to be UWE students." Also, the BristolLive report noted above cited a police spokesperson as saying the party was not hosted by UoB students. However, in messages to residents, sources at both universities say they have now established that the household is with UoB, not UWE.