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* Lansdown, 10 July: 'Noisy gatherings'

Andrew Waller

(S020) Resident complains to UoB about multiple incidents of noise on successive nights from several properties.

Having earlier sent a general complaint about "suffering repeated disturbed nights", he writes:

"The noise from students last night was the straw that finally broke this camel's back. Sheer frustration got me out of bed around 12.45am, dressed and onto the street to find the sources.

"There were three houses in Lansdown Road that had noisy gatherings of students, numbers [x], [xx] and [xx]. I could hear a party in a nearby road, which turned out to be [xx] Roslyn Road. And there was obviously a party in Waverley Road but I was too tired to investigate. Maybe someone else has. I’m seriously wondering what it's going to take to get a night's sleep right now."

(Email, 10 July 2020, 02:00)


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