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* Stanley, 6 July: 'It's exhausting'

Andrew Waller

(S017) Lansdown Road resident complains to UoB about noise from a student house in Stanley Road, which backs on to Lansdown.

She provides a video recording loud voices coming from the property. This was taken at 10-15pm and the noise continued until 2am, she says. Her email to UoB was written on 6 July.

While she doesn't provide further details about disturbance from the Stanley Road address, she comments that noise "is beginning to become a huge issue on Lansdown, with many of the residents being kept up all night due to various houses on the street."

She adds: "I am a teacher, up at 6am, and it is exhausting."

Her complaint also covered a house in Lansdown Road—see the preceding report in this series.

(Email, 6 July 2020, 21:40)


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