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* Roslyn, 9 July: Recent incidents

Andrew Waller

(S015) A resident in Roslyn Road reports recent cases of noise disturbance in the area.

Monday (6 July), [xx] Stanley Road (which backs on to Roslyn): "A small group in living room shouting to song lyrics as loud as they can around midnight."

Also Monday, [A] and [B] Roslyn Road: "A large group on the roof between [the two properties] in afternoon into the evening and visitors arriving at [B] through the evening making lots of noise in street when arriving and leaving. Hanging around outside from 12.30 till 1am on street."

Wednesday night (8 July) into early hours, same [B] as above: "Another party at this property ... with bass music and shouting in street about 1 am. Got woken up just before 3 am with loud taking and shouting in street. This went on till about 3.15 am ..."

(Email, 9 July 2020, 16:47)


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