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* Hampton, 6 July: Loud gathering

Andrew Waller

(S004) Music and loud gathering of about 15 people at a student house on Hampton Road, near the Chandos Road junction, on night of 5 July, extending after midnight.

Nearby resident has complained to UoB that there was a "small party" of about 15 people. Noise went on until "around 1-30" in the morning and included "a group of around 6 lads ... talking loudly and kicking a football around the garden" until after 1am.

The resident reminds UoB that he had only recently complained about disturbance at the same address by the previous student tenants.

(Email, 6 July 2020, 10:54)

This report should be read in conjunction with the next entry in the incident list, describing a group of people who walked through Hampton Park making a great deal of noise shortly after 1am. It appears that group came from the house noted above.

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