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* Hampton, 6 July: 'Noise from 3 locations'

Andrew Waller

(S008) Resident complains about party at student house in Hampton Road (southern section, west side) on 6 July, extending into the early hours.

This is the "other house" mentioned in the earlier Hampton Road report (see here). The resident who submitted this complaint was not the author of the earlier report.

He wrote to UoB: "Our months of lockdown bliss as Redland residents came to a swift end for us last night. [3x] Hampton Road were our worst culprits as they had a party with music and shouting inside the property, out the back and out the front of the property. The latest noise that kept me and my partner up was as late as 3am. There seemed to be lots of people going in and out of the property who didn't live there and as you can imagine there was no social distancing in place."

As well as his comments about [2x] Hampton Road, which are included in the earlier report (see link above), he mentions there was also noise coming from a house in Aberdeen Road near the Hampton Road junction. He describes a "cacophony of noise" coming from the three locations.

(Email, 7 July 2020, 10:08)


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