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► Eaton Crescent: Multiple incidents

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(19092) A resident in Arlington Villas has sent UoB a list of 10 incidents of night-time noise coming from flats at nearby Eaton Crescent.

The incidents range over various dates between June 22 and June 29, 2020.

Several are described as "windows open, loud voices" while three refer to music and singing. The times given for the incidents are after midnight in all cases, with three as late as 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30am.

The resident has made numerous previous complaints about noise in Arlington Villas and Eaton Crescent, including one on June 16 that also referred to several incidents (see previous report).

In his latest complaint, the resident says: "The end of term partying etc is much worse this year."

He also says that Oakfield Residents Association, which covers the Arlington area, "is collecting information about troublesome properties within its area with a view to compiling a body of evidence to use with letting agents and landlords to try and put more effective controls in place for the future."

(Email, June 29, 2020. 22.50)


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