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► Arlington, Jun 22: 'Shrieking and screaming'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(19085) A resident reports late-night "shrieking and screaming" at Arlington Mansions, a block of flats on Arlington Villas, on June 22, 2020.

He says the noise also disturbed his neighbours. "At 4:30 my neighbours intervened and the tenants seemed to go back indoors at this point. Evidently they were on the roof ... Incredibly dangerous as it's a 5-storey building."

The resident reports having earlier complained to UoB about an incident on June 2, 2020. "There was a very loud party starting late evening before midnight. The windows were fully open, there was loud music, loud maniacal giggling and shouting until at least 4am (when I finally managed to get to sleep)."

It took some time following his complaint to establish whether there are students living in the flats. He said he has since heard that UoB has confirmed this to be the case, and has taken action.

(Emails, Jun 5, 2020 at 01:44 and June 22, 2020 at 11:34)


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