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► Hampton, Jun 18: Noisy group on street

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(19084) A group of about a dozen people of student age walked southwards on Hampton Road at about 12:45am on June 18, 2020, shouting and talking loudly.

They then stopped at the Chandos Road/Hampton Park crossroads and remained there for about 10 minutes, making similar noise. There was no indication of any social distancing.

I observed this group myself and took video.

Other recent examples of street noise:

  • A resident videoed a group of about 15 people of student age walking north (downhill) on Hampton Road just after midnight on June 17 from the vicinity of Cotham Vale.

  • A resident was disturbed by loud voices from a small group of student age walking south on Hampton Road in the vicinity of Woodfield Road at 4-30am on June 25.


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