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► Brighton, Jun 2: 'Noise at midnight'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(19075) A resident has complained about noise from a student house in Brighton Road at around midnight on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. He also notified the police that the occupants appeared not to be following lockdown rules.

"There was a group of about 8+ in the house, windows open etc. I did tell them about the noise and social distancing not being conformed to and I would contact the police on 101."

(Email, June 3, 2020. 09:39)

After he spoke to the students, they left the house and the property was dark when a police car arrived a few minutes later.

(The house is currently not listed as an HMO in public records. Other houses in the street that are listed as having HMO status are typically licensed for 5 or 6 people.)


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