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► Arlington Villas, Feb 25: 'Loud music'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(19067) A resident complains of being disturbed by a party at a student flat in Arlington Villas on the night of Tuesday, February 25, 2020 and the early hours of Wednesday.

"The Top Floor Flat of No [xx] Arlington Villas held a party on 25/26th Feb. The noise was manageable until about 2300 after which I didn't notice it again until 0230 and then 0330. I was woken by loud music, singing and shouting. The residents were unresponsive to their doorbell so I could not ask them to shut the music down."

He has written to agents for the property, asking them to "Please remind your tenants that they live in a family community."

(Email, Feb 26, 2020. 03-50)


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