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► Oakfield Grove, 5 Oct: 'Noise unbearable'

Andrew Waller

(19013) Loud music and shouting from student party in Oakfield Grove, Clifton, at the Arlington Villas end of the street, on Sat/Sun, 5/6 October 2019. Beech police attended.

A resident has complained to UoB citing "a very high level of noise".

"There was loud bass music and a lot of shouting and screaming from a backyard. I live some distance away ... but the noise was unbearable in my bedroom with the windows closed."

"I texted Operation Beech at about 22:50. They were very prompt and reported at 23:11 they had attended. Unfortunately the party goers said they intended to continue partying. The Operation Beech officers said they would return in due course."

The party went on until "at least 3am".

The resident expresses concern that "despite requests from neighbours and attendance from Operation Beech officers, these students carried on without regard to those who live in the area."

He also mentions there were two other student parties in Oakfield Grove that night, one close to the event described above, the other in a top-floor flat towards the Oakfield Road end of the street. "These quietened down after I remonstrated with them."

(Email 07:49, 6 Octo 2019)

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