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► Waverley, 4 Oct: Beech intervenes at party

Andrew Waller

(19012) Noise from garden gathering and party at house in Waverley Road, near Rokeby Avenue, disturbing residents on the Chandos side of the railway line, on Fri/Sat, 4/5 October 2019. Operation Beech notified.

Two residents in Lansdown Road say they were disturbed by this event. One has filed a complaint to UoB:

Resident 1 says he was woken at about 12.40am by "very loud shouting and chanting, then singing and music" and walked round to Waverley Road to identify the source. Having called at the house, he encountered the Operation Beech police patrol in the street. They spoke to the students, and the resident reports that "mercifully the noise did stop". He adds: "It was good to see Operation Beech in action and be so effective."

(Email 2:15, 5 Oct 2019)

Resident 2 says she first noticed noise from the event at about 11-30pm. "There was some music but it was the general constant shouting, tuneless singing and inane braying which was most annoying. ... Just before 1am, when the noise levels seemed to be getting ever louder, I called Operation Beech. They responded quickly. ... fortunately it went quiet not long after."

She adds: "I remain very grateful to Operation Beech for their interventions to reduce public nuisance in this area."

(Email 10:00, 5 Oct 2019)

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