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All-change among university community liaison staff

Andrew Waller

Joni Lloyd has stepped down as University of Bristol’s community liaison manager after three years in the post.

She told residents’ groups at the university’s liaison meeting in July she would leave in August to take up another position. As CLM, Ms Lloyd often attended residents’ meetings around the area, and was well-liked.

Diana Swain, chair of the Chandos Neighbourhood Association, said in a newsletter to members that Ms Lloyd had been “very supportive”.

Gordon Scofield, Ms Lloyd's predecessor, has returned to the role. (Revision: Updated 25/09/2019.)

The University of the West of England, meanwhile, has asked its head of security, Richard Barnston, a former police officer, to also take responsibility for community liaison following the departure of the previous holder, Nigel England. Besides Mr Barnston, the team consists of two other university staff and a dedicated campus police officer, PC Simon Topps.

Mr Barnston attended UoB’s liaison meeting in July, giving the audience an entertaining, off-the-cuff speech that promised a robust approach to student misbehaviour. The highlight was his revelation that from the new academic year, the potential fine for UWE students engaging in anti-social behaviour will be raised to £1,000.

At the University of Bristol, fines escalate in three stages: at the lowest level, which applies to most cases of parties and other noise, students can face a fine of £100 per household member and/or may be required to attend a “community impact awareness course” at a cost of £50 each. Fines rise to a maximum £250 in more-serious cases, also with the possibility of course attendance, and to as much as £800 for cases referred to Pro Vice-Chancellor level. Other measures can be imposed as well as, or instead of, fines.

Changes at UoB will not be limited to Ms Lloyd’s departure as CLM. The university will have a new campus police officer for the coming year: PC Sian Harris.



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