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► St Ronan's, 3 Jun: 'Noise in garden'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18086) Students causing disturbance at around midnight in back garden of house in St. Ronan's Avenue on Mon/Tue, 3/4 June 2019. This is the same house that was the scene of an all-night party on 12 May (see report).

Two residents have complained to the University of Bristol.

A resident in Woodstock Avenue, which backs on to St. Ronan's, said: "The students ... were in the garden at 11.15 last night (Monday 3rd June 2019) talking and laughing loudly. I delayed going to bed until midnight but they were still there, at which point I went and slept on the sofa in the front room and had a very bad night’s sleep."

A resident in St. Ronan's Avenue says he was disturbed from 11pm onwards. "They are out there most evenings but yesterday was particularly noisy."

UoB advises student households they should aim to be quiet by 10pm on week nights. The university held a disciplinary meeting with the students after the 12 May event. Bristol City Council is believed also to have taken enforcement action. It has been made aware of the latest disturbance.


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