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► Zetland, 13 May: 'Woken by party noise'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18084) Party at student flat in Zetland Road from 11pm until after 4-30am, Mon/Tue, 13/14 May 2019.

A resident has complained to the University of the West of England about this event. UWE has responded to the complaint, and a member of staff has visited the students, accompanied by the campus police officer.

The resident says she was woken at 12.30 am to see 12-15 people standing outside on a metal balcony that overlooks her house and provides access to the flat. "They were all chatting loudly and smoking .... At 2.30 am I was woken again by noise. I looked to see probably 4 people had gone over the balcony railings and were sitting on the top of my neighbour’s roof. I shouted to these people to get off the roof as it was dangerous and that someone lived in the house ... "

The people heard her and moved off the roof. But at 4.30 she was woken again by noise and the party continued as before, with people chatting and smoking on the balcony. "No music could be heard—it was the number of smokers and people ... shouting and laughing all night."


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