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► Manor Park, 5 May: 'Entire household kept awake'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18082) Loud music and street disturbance until after 4am at student house in Manor Park (backing on to Coldharbour Road), Sat/Sun 4/5 May 2019.

A resident has complained to the University of Bristol about this event. She wrote: "It is now 00:22 on Sunday, 5th May, and my entire household is being kept awake by the loud music and red and green flashing lights from a party at this property."

In a later email, to me, she added: "The music and flashing red and green lights continued until 4.45am in the morning, resulting in 1.5 hour’s sleep. There was also noise in the street from people coming and going throughout the evening / morning, and also a fair number of cans and bottles on garden walls in the morning."

The resident said in her email to the university there had been previous problems with the male students at the property.

"On one particular occasion I advised them of the distress that their behaviour causes after hearing them laughing and saying, ‘why are they still looking out of the fucking window?’ when their music continued playing loudly at around 2am. For this reason, and as there appear to be a large number of students at the property, I do not feel able to approach them this evening. By continuing with this behaviour, the students at number [xx] have demonstrated that they have no regard for the people living in Manor Park. Their behaviour causes disruption, upset and ill feeling and is in breach of your Community Behaviour Rules."

She reports that the university replied to her email, saying it would contact the students.


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