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Police, UoB agree trial operation aimed at reducing student noise

Andrew Waller

Local police are preparing ​​a university-funded​operation to target noise and anti-social behaviour in the final weeks of the academic year.

Although details have not yet been announced, the initiative will be similar to "Operation Oak", under which Newcastle's universities paid for extra police patrols in areas where noisy parties were a problem for residents.

Confirmation that the University of Bristol has agreed to fund a pilot project was provided by Deputy Registrar Lynn Robinson in a letter to Diana Swain, chair of the Chandos Neighbourhood Association. Members of the association used the Newcastle scheme as an example when Ms Robinson attended a CNA meeting last July.

"We have now agreed to pilot and fund an “Operation Oak”-type scheme with Avon and Somerset Police this summer using police community support officers with a view to rolling out more broadly next year," Ms Robinson is quoted as saying in a CNA email to members. "I hope that this will have an impact on both noise and other forms of anti-social and high-risk behaviour. We will continue to work to educate students about these matters and also keep our work with the police under review."

Diana Swain described this as "promising news".

Ms Robinson's confirmation followed mention of the operation at the most recent open meeting of the Chandos association, held on 11 March. UoB's community liaison manager, Joni Lloyd, described it as a "test and learn" pilot project that would run for two weeks in June. If deemed successful, it could be rolled out in October, at the start of the next academic year.


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