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► Hampton, 17 Mar: 'Music past 4am'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18075) Late-night party at student house on east side of Hampton Road, near Chandos junction, from evening of Sat 16 March 2019 to early hours of Sun 17th.

(This is the same house in which a very large party occurred in March 2018.)

Two residents have complained to the University of Bristol about this event. I myself also spoke to one of the students at about 11-15pm to express concern, acquaint him with the university's rules and guidelines and point out the risks that both the music and the noise of people in the garden would disturb residents in the adjoining flats and houses. He said they would turn the music down at midnight and bring people inside the house. When I asked how many guests he was expecting, he said "only 60". I am not one of the complainants, because I live further away and the music volume was low enough that it didn't disturb me personally.

Resident 1 (Compton Lodge flats): Says the music continued until about 4:30am, and that he went out to complain four times between 1am and 3am.

Resident 2 (Woodfield Road): "I recall the music began around 10pm (estimated), doors and windows to the property were open and the music played until 3-4am in the morning. I recall still being awake from the noise past 3am. I have a young daughter who has been affected by the noise. I also had to drive a long way on Sunday to work, with very little sleep.

"I know of other much more respectful students living in another property of close proximity to my house—these students inform me of a party well in advance as well as always turn the music down after midnight and ensure all doors and windows are closed."


The university messaged Resident 1 to say it had called the students to a meeting. I and the resident also contacted the managing agents, in my case because I corresponded with the landlord after last year's event. I have also pointed out that the students' overflowing rubbish bins are taking up space on a busy pavement.


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