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► Trelawney, 23 Feb: 'Unable to sleep till small hours'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18069) Beat music at house on north side of Trelawney Road after midnight, Friday/Saturday, 22/23 February 2019. Loud voices of people outside the house audible from Ravenswood Road.

A resident has complained to the University of Bristol: "We were severely affected by a party held at the ... property ... and were not able to sleep until the small hours due to the enormous noise coming from the party, as well as shouting/screaming coming from the street. This is totally unacceptable and shows a totally self-centred attitude from those involved."

Update, 27/02/2019: Another resident has contacted me to say he found the noise acceptable: "On this occasion, I do not have any complaint with my neighbours at No. [xx]. They courteously informed me that they would be having a party a number of days prior, leaving me with their mobile numbers in case there were any issues. Notwithstanding this, I didn’t find the music to be overly loud or the guests to be particularly noisy in any event. This is in contrast to the group that were living there last year and other examples locally."


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