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► Meridian Place: Noise on street at night

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18063) Night-time street noise in Clifton area; several instances including early hours of 14 February 2019.

A resident who complained about various noise incidents in the first academic term says disturbances have picked up again this term. Meridian Place lies on a walking route between the Triangle and residential streets in Clifton.

"There has been noise at night time since the new semester started. Last night was particularly bad. I was woken up at 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. by students shouting in front of our building .... Each time, I jumped out of bed scared. I also heard some of them arguing, a woman crying, etc."

She has emailed details to a police officer with whom she was in contact about the earlier incidents.


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