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► Roslyn, 29 Jan: 'Screaming students awaiting taxis'

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(18058) Late-evening noise caused by groups of students waiting for taxis in Roslyn Road, followed by further disturbance in the early hours, 29/30 January 2019. Previous incidents cited.

A resident who has written previously to The Noise Pages to highlight problems in Roslyn Road says:

"Last night, Tuesday 29 January, we were woken at 11.45pm by screaming, singing and shouting in the street directly outside our house, by a group of approx. 10-15 students waiting for taxis. Same again when they returned at after 2am.

"Before that there was a continuous stream of noise on the street from 10pm onwards, loud knocking on doors and shouting and many taxis arriving over the space of two hours to collect groups of students from various houses on the road.

"Myself and my husband have professional jobs with important meetings this morning, to be conducted on yet another disturbed nights sleep."

The resident also mentions incidents a few days previously:

"On Friday 25th I had to knock on the door of No. xx at 9.30pm to ask them to turn their beat music down—it was akin to sitting in a nightclub in my own living room. This is an ongoing issue with this house as I live next door. They did turn the music down and went out shortly after at 10pm.

"On the same night there was a pre-party at [a different house]—the chatter and beat music was extremely loud, with windows and door wide open. I knocked on the door to ask them to close windows and doors and turn music down at 11pm. It went on until 12.30pm, upon which a large group of students filed out of the house and in to taxis with lots of screaming and shouting. Broken glass outside the house the next morning."


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