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► Cowper, 28 Nov: Music 'woke residents at 2-45am'

Andrew Waller

(18046) Late-night noise at student house in Cowper Road, early hours of 28 Nov 2018.

A resident has complained to the University of Bristol: "The male students living at this address, who I believe are third-year students, woke several residents up at 2:45am this morning. The unacceptable noise consisted of shouting, rowdy behaviour and music." The resident and his wife live about 25 metres away. "Despite this, we were unable to sleep." He adds that other residents in the street were also disturbed, including two people who live in a lower flat at the house, and that there have been previous disturbances.

"Cowper Road is a largely residential street and, on the whole, we have a good relationship with the few student households that are present. Unfortunately, the young men living at No. [x] seem to be an exception and are disrupting the street."


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