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► Westfield Park: Parties at flat anger residents

Andrew Waller

(18027) Nearby residents complain of a series of loud parties and other noise at this address on various dates in September and October.

One resident says: "On 23rd, 26th and 28th Sept, we were woken by loud music/singing/loud voices between the hours of 11pm and 4:30am. On 28th the music began at approx 2:30am until 4:00am! This woke each family (of which there are three) in our building of four apartments. My husband and I went round to speak with the students ... the following day about the noise and how inconsiderate it was etc. However they did not seem very concerned nor apologetic."

Another resident adds: "We were away on the 23rd but were very much disturbed by the loud party on the 26th from approx 11pm till 1.30 am then again on the 28th from 4am till 5am. Both times the music was blaring and sounded like we were in a nightclub and not our flat. ...[The noise] inside my flat it was deafening. My husband and myself and our 4 year old son were woken both times. On the 28th he woke crying as [he] was so thrown by being woken up by such loud music in the middle of the night."

The account above was sent by email at about 10-30pm on 17 Oct. The resident says: "As I type a large party is clearly taking place and the music is getting progressively louder. As with the previous two parties it sounds like a huge gathering, loads of loud drunken voices shouting to be heard over the excessively loud bass music. It is absolutely ridiculous behaviour for a residential area.... It is unbearable to think of an entire year of this level of anti-social behaviour."

In a further email, at 9-45pm on 27 Oct. the same resident adds: "The students have had several more parties but have gone out before it got too late. Right now they are in full swing but are likely soon to go out. While it's not late it's so regular and so loud it is real nuisance."

She says she is preparing a noise complaint to the Neighbourhood Enforcement team at Bristol City Council, has sent a complaint to the students' landlord, and intends to submit a complaint to the university.

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