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► Lansdown, 26 Oct: 'Noisy groups awaiting taxis'

Andrew Waller

(18026) Shouting and anti-social behaviour in the street as students waited for taxis at around midnight.

Many of these students were leaving a house near the south end of the street following a "pre-drinks" gathering before going to a nightclub. However, it appears there may also have been students leaving other houses in the street at around the same time, contributing to the disturbance.

One resident says: "There was a very large gathering of students at number [xx] ... which resulted in lots of street noise and multiple groups of people on the street in Lansdown Rd between 12 and 1am ... I witnessed a young man urinating on the street and there was lots of shouting preceding and during the arrival of [about] 15 taxis/ubers collecting noisy groups of young people, with some unnecessarily hooting their horns ..." This resident has filed a complaint to UWE. Other accounts suggest these might actually be UoB students, but no doubt that will be clarified in due course.

Another resident noted the disturbance at the time and spoke to one of the students at the house the following day. He says: "The girl who answered was polite, understood why I objected to the noise, and apologised. She said there had been about 30 at a birthday party ... but they had tried to make sure everyone left by 12.00."

The resident adds: "Last night was an example of just how disturbing students can be when HMOs are allowed to concentrate in large numbers. ... When noisy groups wait in the street for taxis one after the other, for residents it causes a continuous disturbance which is just as bad as a noisy party. ... Last night it was continuous from 11.30pm to after 1.00am."

A female student at the house has been in touch with me and had this to say: "I had a small pre-drinks last night as it was my birthday but these finished before 12 (when everyone left to go out). No music could be heard from the street (we checked). I am not sure about anti-social behaviour or people urinating but a neighbour told us we were too loud and so people booked their cabs and left by midnight ... I can’t imagine 15 ubers! There was a big event last night and it is a very student-y road so it’s likely other people went too!"

Residents' tolerance of noise on the street is likely to have been rather low, given the disturbance created a week earlier by a very late, loud party at a neighbouring house which also resulted in a lot of people on the street.

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