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My Views on Bristol's Local Plan

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 19, 2020

Night-time student noise is inextricably bound up with strategic-level decisions by both the University of Bristol and the city council as to the expansion of student numbers and how they will be accommodated within the city. This includes past decisions that allowed the spread of HMOs (Houses of Multiple Occupation) and their concentration in areas close to campus. So it's important the planners know residents' views about the choices they made in the past, and will make in the future. Right now, the city council is consulting on a review of its Local Plan, the document which enshrines planning policy for the next decade. The consultation closes on 13 April, so if you want to join in, you need to act quickly. I've just emailed my own submission. The relevant council web page is here, and includes a link to the Review document. It's quite long, but the sections relevant to our noise discussion are relatively short. My submission cites references to the important bits, chiefly policies ULH6: Specialist Student Accommodation and ULH7: Housing in Multiple Occupation. If you want to copy chunks from my letter, feel free (but you then take responsibility for them). Agree or disagree? Comment below!


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