* Alexandra Park, 27/28 July
(S060) Complaint of noise until 3am on 28 July 2020 at student house in Alexandra Park.
Updated, 02/08/2020, following receipt of further information:
"Monday, 27th July, the noise went on till 3am. I don't believe there was even music, just a large number of people in the back garden screaming, shouting and just being incredibly selfish."
Reported to UoB: yes
Raised with property agents: not known
Additional incident(s) at this address*: no
(Emails, 28 July 2020, 10:24, and 31 July 2020, 15:12, cb)
(Recorded here in short form due to volume of complaints. Details added to offline database.)
*Refers to incidents mentioned in this email that have not previously been recorded.