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* Hampton, 27 July: '1am, please turn music off'

Andrew Waller

(S057) Second complaint against a student house in Hampton Road near the Chandos junction, this time in relation to disturbance on 27 July 2020.

(This complaint is paired with the next one, about [x] Woodfield Road.)

Resident wrote to UoB shortly after midnight to say students had returned to [xxx] Hampton Road after visiting [x] Woodfield Road and had "put music on quite loudly and [were] hanging out the ground floor window smoking."

He later reported seeing two students in the garden at around 01:15 and told them "It's gone 1am, now [please] turn the music off .... within around 5 mins it was turned off and around 12 students left the property."

(Emails, 27/07/2020, 00:25 and 11:17, sw)

(I also witnessed some of these events and heard sporadically loud music and other noise, including shouting, from [xxx] Hampton. By around 1am I had counted a net 17 people arriving at the property. Most of these came from an address in Woodfield Road and went back there later. AW)

The Hampton Road property has been cited in two previous incident reports, both relating to 06/07/2020/ They are here and here.

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