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► Arlington / Eaton, Jun 16: Multiple incidents

Andrew Waller

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

(19079) Arlington Villas and Eaton Crescent have again been cited as a hotspot of noise by a resident who's made several previous complaints.

In an email on June 16, he said: "We've had a party within earshot pretty much every other night of the week for the last 2 weeks. Worst has been No x Arlington Villas and No xx-xx Eaton Crescent who regularly have parties which easily exceed the government rules on numbers and social distancing. We have on occasion reported this to the police who were disinterested as it was a noise complaint.

"The noise regularly wakes me up in the early hours mid-week sometimes as late/early as 0400 which makes it hard to then go back to sleep. We've reported this to [the university] and the landlords where possible and on 3 occasions spoken with the people making the noise. Most, if not all, apologise and stop making noise, but then I'm up and awake which is a bind at 0300."

(Email, June 16, 2020. 19:03)


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